28 October 2023

Hello! This is Claudine , speaking from another site, yet again.

I recently turned a year older, reduced my social media time (I don’t have any of the apps on my phone), but remain generally frustrated at the fact that making things still feels not as easy at it used to be, despite not spending free moments consuming images or short-form content. I may no longer succumb to the performative nature of most of the internet (i.e. being compelled to be your own marketing and branding person, posting as if it’s PR--admit it 😅), and yet I find it extremely difficult to get anything genuinely (as in not worrying about an audience, aka set of ‘followers’) and creatively expressed.

This process of trying has been an existential process, leaving me mostly thinking, reflecting if breaking free from societal pressure (c/o social media) has made me any better1. And I am not sure if I’m making any progress2.

In here, I attempt to make 1 thing a day3. Anything, really. How they will be posted, I will figure out when the day comes.

Other rules will be defined as we move along.

For now: just make, dear self. You will be better because of it, I promise.

Jump back to today

  1. A disclaimer: Not claiming to be better than everyone else, ok! This whole process is just to... save me from the effects of social tech, as I am not getting any younger.
  2. How does one even define ‘progress’? Maybe this project will provide answers!
  3. I remember Emma Hogan’s 100 Days Project, which I attempted to participate in, at least thrice during its run, but was never able to do so successfully. This is my attempt to defeat those ‘failures’.